On the occasion of Bhimseni Ekadashi, Srikashtabhanjandev Dada was decorated with colorful phuli petals and mogra flowers

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

On the occasion of Vadtaldham Bicentenary Festival and Centenary Festival at Salangpurdham Sri Swaminarayan Mandir Vadtaldham managed legendary pilgrimage at Salangpurdham Sri Kastabhanjandev Hanumanji Temple under the inspiration of Rev. Shastri Swami Hariprakashdasji (Athanawala) and under the guidance of Kothari Sri Viveksagardasji Swami. On the occasion of Bhimseni Ekadashi on 31-05-2023 on Wednesday Daily Shri Kashtabhanjandev Dada is decorated with colorful full-petal flowers and Dada’s throne is decorated with Mogra flowers and at 05:45 am the decoration Aarti is done by Pujari Swami. Also, Sri Marutiyagya was organized in Patangan of the temple. Thousands of Hari devotees were blessed with the benefit of its Darshan-Aarti.

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