Researchers say 30 minutes of exercise improves memory, enhances cognitive performance

News, World

In new research, scientists have suggested that those who start their day with exercise or brisk walking also improve their memory and cognitive performance.

In a study, conducted by University College London, the researchers suggested that 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity and at least six hours of sleep at night can lead to improved cognitive performance the next day.

As per the researchers, physical activity has earlier been associated with a reduced risk of dementia and short-term improvements in cognitive function.

However, as stated by Bloomberg, many studies that look at short-term impacts were based on laboratory data and tracked responses on a timescale of minutes to hours.

As per these studies, physical activities can also lead to increased blood flow to the brain and cause stimulation of chemicals, which are known as neurotransmitters.

In the new study, researchers have observed the short-term impact of physical activity carried out in real life and not only found how it benefits the brain but also revealed that its impact lasts longer than expected.

Here’s how scientists carried out the study

In the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Bloomberg and her colleagues reported how 76 adults, aged between 50 and 83 years old and not suffering from cognitive impairment or dementia, were made to wear an accelerometer for eight days to track their physical activity and sleep as they continued with their normal lives.

Every day, participants were made to go through simple online cognitive tests to probe their processing speed, memory, and attention, among other faculties.

According to the team, the results revealed that every 30-minute increase in physical activity corresponded to a 2 to 5 per cent increase in working and episodic memory scores the next day.


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