Support of BrahmaSamaj to Dhirendra Shastri in Ahmedabad:Preparations are in full swing regarding the divine court of Dhirendra Shastri in Ahmedabad.

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Preparations are going on in full swing regarding Dhirendra Shastri’s divine court in Ahmedabad. This program has been supported by Samast Gujarat Brahma Samaj. Regarding this program, the leader of Brahma Samaj said that the opponents of Sanatan Dharma are doing a stunt for their publicity.

Dhirendra Shastri’s Divine Darbar has been organized in Chanakya Puri Sector 6 in Ghatlodia area of ​​the city. This planning is being done by Radhika Seva Samiti on 29th, 30th. However, protests are currently being seen in some places of Gujarat regarding Dhirendra Shastri’s court. Now the entire Gujarat Brahma Samaj has supported this program. At that time preparations are being made vigorously in the city of Ahmedabad for this program. At present, the Divya Darbar program is being organized in three main cities of Gujarat namely Ahmedabad, Surat and Rajkot. Then the entire Brahma Samaj is with Bageshwar Maharaj in this program. The workers of every society have been instructed to make this program successful. Although the matter is of Sanatan Dharma, the Brahma Samaj gives full support to the program at every stage. However, some Sanatan Dharma opponents are doing stunts for their own publicity. Which has been strongly condemned by Brahma Samaj.






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